Four brothers, named after four Renaissance masters, trained in the art of ninjutsu that happen to be turtles...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to be precise. Created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, the turtles began life in comics books before expanding to a cartoon series and eventually onto the big screen. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michaelangelo live in the sewers of New York City with their sensei and adopted father Master Splinter.
Collaborating with New Era, this 59FIFTY has risen to the surface. Constructed using a black base the infamous cartoon logo, from the late '80s cartoon series, is featured on the front panels. A white New Era flag is embroidered on the wearer's left along with a "City Sewer" cap on the rear. A turtle shell print on a green undervisor adds to the cap's finishing touches. This piece is available now via Japan's Cap Collector